Living Out Loud
Chances are if you’re around me long enough, you’ll hear me talk about living out loud. I first started using that phrase as a way to express that something was missing from my life. I couldn’t always put my finger on what but I knew…
Something was off.
@@I was living in black & white but my soul yearned for color.@@
There are times when you have to step outside of your comfort zone to fully realize just how trapped you truly are. And @@if we’re honest, comfort zones ain’t really all that comfortable.@@ They foster a false sense of security and as a result, we play small.
Only when we venture outside of our little boxes do we expand.
But, you already knew that, didn’t you?
Allow me to explain…
I’ve always dreamed of going to Italy. The country just called to me... the language, the food, the men. I devoted an entire vision board to the dream vacation I would take one day.
I started making plans. I even researched airfare and potential itineraries. I was in full-on planning mode. I mentioned it to my girlfriends to see if they wanted to tag along. Turns out all of them did. But the realities of conflicting schedules, work demands and family obligations kept them in the dreaming phase. Ordinarily, I would have put the trip on hold until someone was available to go with me. But this time, I was determined to go. Even if I had to literally fly solo. Italy was calling and I answered. I found a tour group and reserved my spot.
I was heading to Rome.
It was everything I thought it would be. Two words: champagne gelato.
A funny thing happened during the last weekend of my trip. I was on the balcony of my apartment, surrounded by the sounds of the city below when it hit me.
I felt alive.
I felt at home. Not in Italy per say, though I loved the time I spend there, but moreso within myself.
It was no longer about checking off another item on my bucket list. It was about being present with myself. I felt the contrast of my life between where I was before I left and the present moment on that balcony. And I realized something:
I’d begun to live out loud.
I couldn’t go back to the way things were. To the way I was.
I had to figure out a way to experience this energy, this aliveness, once I came back home.
I had some exploring to do.
I was going for it.
@@I’d decided to stop shoulding all over myself.@@
“I should do this.”
“I should want that.”
“I should feel satisfied. It’s crazy to want more!”
That shit was over.
And all it took was getting away from everything familiar and safe. Going to a place where I didn’t speak the language and no one knew my name allowed me to get in touch with who I really was. And what I wanted in this life.
I wanted to live out loud.
Is your comfort zone is no longer feeling so comfortable? Are you shoulding all over yourself? Leave a comment below. If you’ve already turned up the volume on your life, I want to hear your song.
Love + Light,
P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you begin to embody your sensuality:
1. Grab a free copy of my workbook
It’s my 5-step roadmap to awakening your sensuality. — Click Here
2. Join the Sensual Woman Experience and connect with other like-minded women.
It’s our new Facebook community where vibrant women are empowering themselves by tapping into their sensual energy, amplifying the pleasure in their lives and getting answers to their most burning questions in our live Q&A sessions. — Click Here
3. Work with me privately
If you’re truly ready to blossom into the woman you were always meant to be and would like to work directly with me, simply fill out my short application and I’ll get you all the details! — Click Here