On Getting Free

On Getting Free

@@“In seeking our freedom we liberate our potential to accomplish incredible things.” Danielle LaPorte@@

Freedom is one of my core desired feelings. It comes up for me again and again. To embody this notion in every aspect of my life is the goal.

Freedom in thought.

Freedom in action.

Freedom in expression.

Freedom in body. Yes, I want to experience freedom in my body.

Freedom to be daring.

Freedom to go it alone.

@@What I am seeking is to move about my life not without fear but instead to face it.@@ See, I don’t think it’s possible to completely obliterate fear from our lives. That hallowed state of being is for the truly enlightened masters. For the rest of us, I believe it’s more about awareness and movement.

Feeling the sensations of fear, being aware of it, is vital. We have to try to embrace the discomfort and allow it to pass through us without resistance. 

Is it always easy? Nope, not at all.

But it is possible. This I know for sure.

@@I think the bigger questions are, how high do we want to fly? How far do we want to go?@@

Above the clouds will do nicely, thank you.

In what ways do you want to experience freedom in your life? Leave a comment below. I want to hear from you.

Love + Light,


P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you begin to embody your sensuality:
1. Grab a free copy of my workbook

It’s my 5-step roadmap to awakening your sensuality. — Click Here

2. Join the Sensual Woman Experience and connect with other like-minded women.

It’s our new Facebook community where vibrant women are empowering themselves by tapping into their sensual energy, amplifying the pleasure in their lives and getting answers to their most burning questions in our live Q&A sessions. — Click Here

3. Work with me privately

If you’re truly ready to blossom into the woman you were always meant to be and would like to work directly with me, simply fill out my short application and I’ll get you all the details! — Click Here

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