A highly specific client avatar is the foundation upon which your business is built.

As a business owner, your #1 job to create a dialogue so your clients feel as if you get them, understand their problems and have the solution they need. You become their go-to expert. But first, you have to know WHO you’re serving.

Listen, I get it. Early on in my business, I anxiously resisted niching down because I thought:⁣
1) I could help all women
2) I hated the idea of leaving money on the table

And let me tell you, not only was it a struggle to make sales but more importantly I wasn’t reaching the very women I set out to help. It’s a mindset shift that can make all the difference in your business.

Sis, listen to me…resistance is futile. I know you’ve heard it before so say it with me: If you try to speak to everyone, you’ll end up speaking to no one.”

Getting super specific not only allows your audience to self-identify but it also creates affinity and brand loyalty.

It means your people know you’re talking to them and it shows when they engage with your content, sign up to work with you and refer their friends.

Ready to FINALLY have the business you’ve been dreaming about? CLICK HERE.